Shermaine Wong Snowstop. There's this smile on my face that I don't know why it's there, I probably put it on to satisfy people who don't even care. I'm very much emotional, hot-tempered and selfish, but everyone has their flaws. It's either you accept them, or you just walk away. Life's full of ups and downs, so just let it be.

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Amanda Beatrice Belinda Cassandra Cheryl ChongEe Christianne Cindy Crystal HuiYing Isabel Jacy Jamie JaniceT JaniceH Jannah JiaLing Jianing JiaWen JiaXuan JinXin Joann Joline Kester Kohqin Liting Mannling Melvin Mr Danny Nhita Nicolette Petrina Rachel Raymond Rebecca Russell Sarah ShiMei ShiYan SiewMeng Terson Tomoe Vernice WeiBin WeiKai WeiXin WeiXuan WenXse XueMin XinYing YanYing YiHua Ying Suan YuTing Zann Zixin

Saturday, November 20, 2010

beautiful monster.

Hey people. I'm here to update again. Really very lazy to update nowadays, no pictures as well. I had rather busy nowadays, not that busy, but yeah. Trainings, matches, and everything. Basically I went out everyday this week, at least I don't feel that bored.

Monday, 15th November: Had match at ccab with Woodgrove, we won. But it didn't mean a thing.
Tuesday, 16th November.: Training in the morning.
Wednesday, 17th November: Hari Raya Haji. Parents brought me to Marina Barrage to take pictures. Dad has the memory card, so I only had these few. :P

Thursday, 18th November: Went for lunch with ahshuo, then she came my house to watch Hello Baby, KYUNGSANNNNNNNNNN! <3

Friday, 19th November: Went bowling with ahshuo, miss sun, yiting, xuemin, yubing, alex, ruiqiang and ryan. Fun like no carrot. Shuo's the longgao queen, she keeps washing the drain like super cool.

Today, 20th November: The team went to bukit timah for the runs. Had leg cramps twice, it was totally hell. A nightmare.

Within the days I didn't update, many events happened. Appeal results came out.

Course E, fail > Appeal again to A > Success.

Well, so the class list is out. I'm in 3A. It sounds nice, but indeed it's the last class in the level. It isn't all that bad. My class position won't be at the back already. I'll be continue the next 2 years with tomoe, rebecca and tristan. I don't think the class will be fun either. It is filled with a guys and gays. Pathetic enough, I've to balance both D&T and Music. Just hope I won't sit with people I don't like. Okay, bye! :)